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So much for the chain of trust

Posted by: Patrick Snyder

Tagged in: News , Google , digital certificate

We all know digital certificates are meant to keep us safe while browsing the web. They are installed on our systems from birth, require digital signatures to be altered, and establish a supposedly unbreakable chain of trust. But what happens when that chain of trust is in fact compromised? What happens when a digital certificate falls into the wrong hands?

Hackers have recently obtained Google’s digital SSL certificate from DigiNotar, a Dutch certificate authority. Proof has already been flaunted on of this valuable takeover. It is still unclear how the certificate was obtained. There may have been a possible breach on DigiNotar’s website allowing access to the certificate or there may have been a lack of oversight by DigiNotar. Either way this event presents a significant security risk to users.

This certificate allows the hackers a trusted reputation for each of Google’s many services including Gmail, Google search, and Google Apps. This would easily allow them to poison DNS addresses and launch a massive spam attack which could relay back to false sites, then use these sites to compromise users accounts through a man-in-the-middle attack.

According to security professionals, based on the information posted on Pastebin, the certificate is in fact valid. This leaves endless possibilities for the hackers to exploit the certificate. Also, since the certificate is valid, users will not be displayed with a warning message, even if they are on a malicious site posing as Google.

Google has been expected to quickly patch Google Chrome’s certificate’s and will most likely urge Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple, and others to follow in their footsteps for the safety of the internet. 
