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Financial Management of Cyber Risk

Seeing a return on your Cyber Security Investment?

Invest Just One Day Of Your Time To Get A Whole Year Of Outstanding Results. Find your path forward to increased profitability while you navigate through the risks.


Powerful new technologies such as cloud computing, unified communications, and peer-to-peer communications bring state-of-the-art tools to your business. Adding these new tools can improve your business operations, but new risk will arise. Through due diligence, you can and must identify these threats, and manage them with due care.

We have all heard the story and bought into the concept of managing our cyber security from the perspective of financial risk management. Not only does it make sense, it is simple and easy to understand. But, as it turns out, it’s actually much easier said than done. Managing cyber risk is much like the “sure win” stock market strategy “buy low, sell high” in its simplicity and obviousness. Still, you may have found there is extreme difficulty implementing those simple and obvious strategies.

Investment Levels In Cyber Security Are Staggering Today.

The winners in your marketplace will be companies that drive investments to solid, sustained bottom line results. This is done by reducing risks, flushing out operating expenses and driving up revenues. But how do you get there?

This seminar represents a unique opportunity to take a hard look at how to move your organization to a new era in producing business results, driven by investment in your cyber security program. Don’t let cyber security put a squeeze on your bottom line. Instead, nurture it and allow it to grow your business with a distinct competitive advantage.

We’ll start from the perspective of the CFO as we dig deeply into how IT drives your business. Then we’ll see how managing cyber risk can be a significant, compelling and competitive advantage.

Have You Ever Wanted The Answers These Questions?

  • How exposed are we to cyber attacks?
  • Have we budgeted for a cyber security event?
  • How do we mitigate our legal exposure and how often do we conduct an analysis of it?
  • How prepared are our incident response and business continuity plans?
  • Have we assessed our exposure to theft of our trade secrets?
  • Do we have the proper staffing to reasonably maintain and safeguard our most important assets and processes?

What Are The Questions That You Need To Start Asking Today To Understand If Your Business Is Getting The Best Return On Your Cyber Security Investments?

We’ll help you get to these questions fast, as we focus on the 50 that CFO’s need to be asking about cyber risk management. Highlighted will be the perspective your business needs to embrace, leveraging the enormous value of reduced risk. These questions will reach across your entire organization from legal, compliance, operations, communication, to insurance.

You’ll be introduced to a framework that will utilize a true risk management approach in facing your cyber risk. This structure will allow you to make disciplined and measured advances, reducing overall business risk. Building transparency and accountability into your risk management approach is the first an most important step forward.

Not all of your steps forward will be easy. Some may even require outside help. What matters is that the risk-reduced business environment you are creating will be worth the invested effort.


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